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Oliwia Grambs

Topic: Basics of prepping


Lectures in Polish only.

During the lecture, I will familiarize festival participants with three basic issues related to prepping, i.e. with the equipment carried every day, an evacuation backpack and food preservation. During the classes, I will present and discuss the elements of equipment and tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of various solutions.

1 lecture “Basics of prepping, part 1. Equipment carried daily – EDC:

EDC is an abbreviation of the English “Every Day Carry” (literally “worn every day”).
As the name suggests, EDC is a collection of items that we do not part with, that we wear literally every day. During the lecture, I will tell you what items are worth carrying with you and why, I will present an example of EDC set, together with the listeners we will discuss the pros and cons of various pieces of equipment.

2nd lecture “Basics of prepping, part 2. Escape backpack – BOB”:

During the lecture, I will present the evacuation backpack to the audience. Such a backpack, abbreviated as BOB (from the English “Bug-out bag”), is a backpack filled with everything necessary when you need to quickly evacuate your home or apartment. Every day, it should be packed and ready, so that if necessary, it is enough to take a backpack and leave the place without looking for or taking anything else. During the classes, I will unpack such a backpack, discuss its equipment and indicate in what circumstances the backpack and its contents will be useful.

3rd lecture “Basics of prepping, part 3. Food preservation, or the basics of supplies”:

Stockpiling is actually one of the pillars of prepping, so during this lecture I will talk to the participants of the festival about food preservation. I will discuss whether it is worth preserving food yourself and how.

Biographic note:

I am 24 years old, I was born and raised in the Izerskie Foothills. Under the influence of post-apocalyptic literature, I became interested in prepping even as a child, although, due to my age, I did not immediately start getting ready in full swing. However, when I started preparations, they quickly turned into a real passion, and before I knew it, they became my lifestyle. For five years I have been co-creating the Preppers Poland community, and for two years I have been running shop.prepperspoland.org. In my free time, apart from of course improving myself in various areas of prepping, I am involved in various types of projects promoting this lifestyle.

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