Lecturer / Artist / Media
Do you have a question? Would you like to participate as an lecturer or media? Do you want to suggest a lecture topic?
Contact us on: festiwal @ wibracje.com.pl
Exhibitors & Gastro
Registration starts in the second half of January.
Contact us on: festiwal @ wibracje.com.pl
Technical issues with buying the ticket: bilety@alchemista.pl
Attention: if you have just dicovered the mystery of the Universe, nature of god and consciousness or you just grapsed the rules behing quantum physics, note it all down and call a friend; when the enthusiasm is over and you will still think the notes makes sense – do not hesitate to email us.
Event producer:
Świadomi Mimochodem Sp. z o.o.
Zawiszy 12/78
01-167 Warszawa
KRS 0000871232 NIP 5213913595 REGON 387636790