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Grzegorz Pawłowski

Topic: Breath integration


The breath is that function within us that gets suppressed and held back when we experience stress, when fear takes us away. He is the aspect with which we can support ourselves when we feel cut off from agency and strength. Breath is our main life fuel. It expands our consciousness and powers the muscles of our body and psyche. Released breath is also an effective tool for shaping life and going through life’s twists and turns. By its very nature, it has many therapeutic properties. It helps to touch the essence of problems and challenges faster and find the fastest way to overcome them.

Lectures in Polish only.

About the workshop “Breath in Healing Your Inner Teenager Relationship:”:

The inner teenager is an important part of our psyche, which is usually pushed into the shadow of other, “more important” matters …

When we were growing up, we were often lonely and lost in this. Our bodies were changing, our brains were shrinking and remodeling. While a lot is said about the inner child nowadays and many books have been written about it, there is still silence about the teenager … It is usually a very lonely part of our psyche.

In a wounded teenager there is a lot of rebellion, criticism, non-acceptance of the body, complexes, internal conflicts. He may feel lonely, wandering in an inner fog, hunger for love and at the same time disagree with it.

A fulfilled teenager brings to life a passion for discovery, pugnacity and calmly taking up challenges. It is also thanks to him that we are healthy critical, emotionally colorful, exploring sensuality and sexuality. It is worth enjoying courage, curiosity about yourself, the world and people, as well as sensitivity, passion, delicacy, twinkle in the eyes and inner peace.

About the workshop “Breath and brain in crises and life twists”:

When we experience a crisis or a difficult moment, this is the time when life says: check! We can then suffer by putting up psychological resistance to what is happening and thus burn ourselves even more. We can also use this time as an opportunity to awaken and grow in personal power. A lot depends on how quickly we stop being distracted by what does not depend on us – connecting with what we have a real influence on using natural breath.

The breath is that function within us that gets suppressed and held back when we experience stress, when fear takes us away. He is the aspect with which we can support ourselves when we feel cut off from agency and strength. Breath is our main life fuel. It expands our consciousness and powers the muscles of our body and psyche. Released breath is also an effective tool for shaping life and going through life’s twists and turns. By its very nature, it has many therapeutic properties. It helps to touch the essence of problems and challenges faster and find the fastest way to overcome them.

About the speaker:

Breath trainer, ICC coach, lecturer at WSB and Collegium Civitas, founder of the CUUD Breath Coaching School, creator of the breathing work environment, author of 3 books: “Breath”, “Breath in relationships”, “Life coaching in the heart stream”, physicist by education .

For over 25 years, a connoisseur of practical combining personal development and learning.

In my work, I emphasize deep encounters with myself and action. I create one-of-a-kind training programs and unique tools. I have conducted several thousand individual sessions and hundreds of workshops. Essentially, I am connected with a broad form of development through a return to natural breath as the main life fuel and an extremely useful coaching tool.

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