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Katarzyna Majak

Topic: Sex magic! Dreams are just waiting to come true // Naughty me, i.e. goodbye to good girls


About the workshop “Sex magic! Dreams are just waiting to come true”(𝐄𝐍𝐆/𝐏𝐋):

Breath, intention, sexual energy, magic!
For everyone ready for FULFILLMENT!
I invite you to join me on a journey towards orgasmic manifestation.
We will generate the right amount of energy to direct it towards the fulfillment of our dreams and desires.
Breathing practice and visualization will support us.
We will set this strong mixture in motion through the dance of transformation and energy. The community of being in this experience will give us strength.

Workshop for both genders.

About the workshop “Naughty me, i.e. goodbye to good girls”:

We will start with a meeting with the one we usually know better – we will introduce our good girl. We will embody the fear of risk, of the unknown, of our own anger, of expressing our feelings, of abandonment, of guilt and shame, and of giving up ourselves for others. From here we will start expanding our comfort zone to a wilder side of us. Through breath, movement, sound, we will set out to meet a more unbridled, naughty and socially less acceptable version of ourselves.

Workshop for women.

About the speaker:

Katarzyna Majak – She is the first certified Psychosexual Somatics® Therapy and CSB (Certified Sexological Bodyworker) therapist in Poland after Sexological Bodywork™ Somatic Sex Education™ Professional Training (The Institute of Somatic Sexology UK & Ireland), Somatic sexologist – member of the association of somatic sexologists ASIS (The Association of Somatic & Integrative Sexologists) and Trusted Bodywork associations (trusted people working with the body). Certified Universal Healing Tao (UHT) Instructor (Mantak Chia, Tao Garden, Thailand). Brainspotting practice. Practitioner of IFS (Inner Family System (level 2) During a 3-year SE (Somatic Experiencing) trauma work training. Deals with energy practices, body mapping, sexual disarmament. Certified Holistic Pelvic Care™ practitioner (Tami Kent).


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