Workshop in Polish.
What does your journey towards yourself look like? Are all the workshops and festivals you participate in a path for you to help you find yourself? What if I told you that you don’t have to look for anything because you’ve never lost yourself?
I cordially invite you to a meeting with a non-dual perspective in which you will experience who you are in your deepest being. It is a meeting that serves to discover what is common to everyone, regardless of gender, nationality, age or social status. This moment of understanding and experiencing your Self is the end of your search. In the pure experience of loving emptiness you will find a peace that embraces all.
Nitya Patrycja Pruchnik – is the first non-duality meditation teacher in Poland. At his meetings, for over 10 years, he has been pointing to happiness and peace that are always available, independent of circumstances, and at the same time common to all people. She has already led over 60 week-long meditation retreats and several hundred meetings, lectures and lectures on awakening and freedom. She is the author of books on enlightenment and meditation that have been translated into foreign languages. He shares his discovery with people all over the world. A musician and sociologist by education, Stasia and Frank’s mother in private.