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Anna Sierpowska!

Topic: 𝐄𝐍𝐆 Movement Medicine and the practice of feeling life in the body


About workshop:

Rhythm is one of the spaces in which our nervous system finds security. Rhythm enhanced by movement stabilizes our systém of self-regulation and self-perception. Through rhythmic movements, we return to a place of safety and can start “anew” from that place. One of the functions of our brain – is neuroplasticity, the innate ability of our brain and nervous system to re-code. This makes it possible to overwrite a new program onto old worn-out pathways. A grounded encounter in a group opens us up to new experiences. The same events are no longer traumatic due to the power of the new impulse. Our goal is to try to upload new responses into the vacant space.
The experience of movement in a shared space of safety has healing properties. We need to build this rhythm in ourselves to be able to return to it. We build it through repetition, repetition and returning to a place when we ourselves regain stability in the body, in a sense of contact with the earth, with our own bodies, with the rending power of emotions is stabilizing and building a space of health and life.
We strive to return to a place of safety. Before we return there, we need it to be created for us. We won’t change life and its cyclical nature – there is a rhythm in that, we don’t want to change that but make changes in our approach to that cycle. There is fascination, there is work, there is an end and a time of mourning, and there is a time in which we recover to feel again the healthy and vibrant living life within us.

I invite you to experience rhythm together. To experience the real change that movement – Movement Medicine brings to our environment. It takes a lot of energy, it takes great attention and gentleness in this process of warming up the matter of our body to reveal the ancient secret of transformation.
This practice will be about taking into account and opening a new door with your story including moments of mastery of fearful habits, hysteria, rejection and lack of intimacy. To start a new story. To follow the path of the artist.
Through bioenergetics and Movement Medicine specific practices, we ignite the inner fire, gaining tools to strengthen the source of our deepest vitality, life force, creative power, energy, libido and passion.
This is the alchemizing quality of movement. For an embodied NOW.
By living we experience why we are here. It doesn’t happen on its own. It takes us – those involved.
Movement is Medicine

About host:

I am a certified Movement Medicine teacher, bodywork therapist and psychotherapist in the Lowen bioenergetics stream (in the process of certification of a Certified Training in Bioenergetic Analysis accredited by the Florida Society for Bioenergetics Analysis). Movement Medicine is a contemporary, transformative form of shamanic healing path through body-heart-spirit integration. This practice invokes our primal connection to the so-called “Unbroken” – the always-living part of us, where there is always room to come home.
I work with consciousness through presence – here and now, in this body. This includes movement, dance, stillness, breath but also silence, which releases our natural energy and supports us in embodying and manifesting our inner potential. I conduct workshops (min. “BodySpace”, “Dreaming Body”, “Feeling Heart”), ceremonies of cyclic natural solstices and regular practice in several cities in Poland. My work is complemented by knowledge gained through years of experience with touch in the Polynesian form of Bodywork and fascial massage. I have also been coaching slow jogging – the Japanese way to longevity and health – for many years, promoting this type of sustainable movement. I am the co-author of an innovative position for leaders and people oriented towards living life to the fullest – “Resilience – A Leader’s Snowball. In constant movement towards life.

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