“Biodanza – The Power of Tribe”:
Biodanza creates experiences of intense awareness of being alive in the here and now.
The goal of Biodanza is to celebrate life. It stimulates connections with the community and facilitates relationships, and helps participants regain joy and vitality to celebrate the sacredness of life. It is a way to feel happy, healthy and confident, with enhanced self-esteem and also improved ability to make choices.
Biodanza is a gentle but deeply transformative work on the consciousness of universal community based on dance and body work. It connects body, mind, emotions and soul. It infuses vitality, creativity, sensuality and emotionality.
Teaches openness, joy, building good relationships and expressing emotions. Feeling connected to the body, emotions and energy causes transformation. These experiences are called “vivencias.” They allow us to access our primal emotions and help us express our true self most naturally, which manifests through movement.
“The Art of Touch”:
“Nothing makes sense except surrendering to Love. Do it.”
Skin is what connects and separates us from the world. Everything that exists has a purpose integrated into the great wise plan of life. Skin is part of this mystical plan! Since we have sensitive skin and not feathers or scales, it is because our sensitivity is part of the intelligence of Life. Listen! Your skin clearly tells you how you feel, how you live, how you love and how you are loved.
We want to promote:
Understanding that touch can be a bridge to ecstasy
Following the path from contact to caress
Knowledge of how to give and receive feedback
Understanding the physiology of touch and caressing
The affective alignment between giving and receiving
Learning how to revel in the space of intimacy
Experimenting with the boundaries of touch in affection, sexuality and transcendence
The ability to limit what is toxic
Creating nourishing bonds together
“I know that touching was, is and always will be a true revolution”
~ Nikki Giovanni
Authors inspiring this work:Alexander Lowen, W. Reich, Ashley Montagu, Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Jean Yves Leloup, Rolando Toro, Boris Cyrulnik, Herbert Marcuse, Helen King, René Spitz, Donald Winnicott, Harry Harlow , Konrad Lorenz, Mary Ainsworth & John Bowlby.
Licencjonowany trener Biodanzy wg. systemu Rolando Toro.Ukończył Biodanza School SRT w Porto i Portugalii. Nauczyciel Biodanzy i dydaktyk tej metody. Zdobył stopień naukowy z psychopedagogiki klinicznej. Trenował także terapię Gestalt. Uczestniczył w kilku warsztatach teatralnych i tanecznych. Jest mistrzem Reiki. Twórca kilkunastu autorskich warsztatów, między innymi: “Roots in the Earth, Roots in Heaven”; “Chaos, Creativity and the Return of the Sacred”; “The Birth of the Cosmic Man”; “Under the Sign of Affection”; “Surrender to Love”; “Sacred Warrior”. Prowadzi regularne warsztaty w wielu europejskich miastach.
Był członkiem kadry nauczycielskiej w Instytucie Psychologii Stosowanej na kursie podyplomowym „Rozwój człowieka i terapia poprzez sztukę ekspresyjną”, a także współpracował z różnymi szkołami Biodanzy w Europie.
Prowadził grupy rozwoju umiejętności poprzez analizę transakcyjną; Grupy relaksacyjne (metodologia Shultza i metodologia egocentryczna; Ekspresja dramatyczna z dziećmi. Pracował w „Teléfono Internacional de la Esperanza” i przez kilka lat jako nauczyciel pedagogiki w projekcie szkolenia placówek oświatowych.