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Ewa Satnam & Maciej Marczak

Topic: The catharsis of the elements - the method of releasing the feeling of guilt


Can we live free from guilt? Why the goddamn mistakes? Do remorse testify to being a good person? Interesting issues, right? Our many years of exploring these topics has resulted in the creation of a tool that is a practical structure to help you find your own answers to these questions.

Saints catharsis Five Elements is the alchemical and shamanic process of passing through the maze of physical sensations, beliefs of the mind, the emotions and illusions that separate us from inner freedom. On the paths of this labyrinth, to release from the feeling of guilt leads the transforming power of earth, fire, water, air and space. Common practice will allow you to effectively regain access to their own wisdom, sensitivity and compassion so you can / and look at yourself from a new, healing perspective. Drawing from the universal wisdom of the five sacred elements, you will be purified on four levels:

physical – engaging body, the process will unlock stuck and accumulated in the body of tension and freezing,

emotional – practice will let you resonate with difficult emotions,

mental – transforming destructive beliefs, bringing the perspective of the wisdom of experience,

spiritual-healing of the past together with complete forgiveness occur spontaneously when we see our experiences from the perspective of the unconditioned personal essence story.

During the practice, we will transform the memory of errors, guilt, self-judgment, self-aggression, anger, pain, sadness, grief and the whole burden of the past into the power of wisdom of experience, forgiveness, self-confidence, freedom and lightness of the new beginning. We will teach you how you can do this practice yourself at home whenever you need it.

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