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Natalia Miedziak-Skonieczna

Topic: Bodyscapes


CIAŁOBRAZY / BODYSCAPES is a photographic project that Natalia has been creating since July 2019. It focuses on the human body and its connection with nature. Her models rarely show their faces, and the body becomes sculptural clay that interacts with the surroundings. It is a story about returning home and reconnecting with our nature.

“I want ‘CIAŁOBRAZY’ to be a journey into oneself and a continuous search for answers, both for those who co-create it and those who perceive it. Understanding that we are all enough. I don’t want the people in my photos to fit into contemporary beauty standards. I prefer to nurture a cult of maturity, the changing nature of our bodies over the years, and the cultivation of self-love,” says Natalia Miedziak-Skonieczna.

You can join CIAŁOBRAZY / BODYSCAPES, a photographic project realized by the artist, during the Festiwal Wibracje 2023 on Friday (July 28) at 7:00 AM, at the Kartoonka Stage gathering point.

The rest is a secret 🙂


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