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Simon Paul Sutton

Topic: 𝐄𝐍𝐆 Pleasure is our birthright // Embodied Tantra in day to day Life


About workshops:

1. Embodied Tantra in day to day Life

What does it mean to live embodied in the principles and values of tantra?

Tantra means to weave together. It’s the path of union, self-inquiry, a path of truth. With many different practices, we support ourselves to embody our own truth, to uncover our own truth through the veils of lies and distractions, habits, false beliefs, and conditioning. Tantra invites us to weave together: meditation, sexuality, and love. And with mixing sexuality and meditation we can access a deeper space of love. Love for ourselves, love for others, unconditional love, and the greater love for all beings.

In everyday life, the personal, practical, day-to-day things can sometimes block us from connecting to ourselves, from connecting to our breath, from connecting to our to our aliveness. So with some simple practices that you can implement in your day-to-day life, you can change the way that you engage with life. They can change the way you are more intimate with life – more connected, more able to deal with the challenges that life throws at you. Learning how to respond rather than react to life. And learning also what is yours and what you can actually have an impact on and what is out of your control and you can let go of.

2. Temple of Gods & Goddesses

Tantric Temple is the space where we come to feel and celebrate the sacredness of our life. And how does it feel to have this taste of the divine??

First and foremost, it can start from acknowledging the divine nature of ourselves and of everything & everyone around us and meeting life from this point, with our deep & tender presence.

As we all arrived to dance this sacred dance of life in this powerful temple of our planet – charged with incredible energies and potencies, waiting for us to play, to make love, make change and get vibrant and nourished with them – if we only dare to reach out for them with our roots, spread the wings & open our hearts, bodies & spirits!!

Let us not suppress our life force any longer. Let us flower and adore the nectar of the gods. Revel and celebrate in the magical mystery of being. Creation is oh so playful in its nature! May we acknowledge this in awe and reverence. Bowing down to the portals between our thighs.

You can bring something (piece of clothe, a flower) for the individual and shared moments of honoring. Come on time – we intent to start and end together, to build the connection and trust within the circle.

3. Sovereign Men – for men

A Sovereign Man takes full responsibility for the nature of their experience.

A Sovereign Man expresses his vulnerability.
A Sovereign Man love himself wholeheartedly.

A Sovereign Man hunts his shadows courageously. 
A Sovereign Man walks with integrity.


When men come together in circle, there is a different kind of magic that emerges. When male bodies connect intimately, there is a great support that arises from a deep bond of brotherhood. Can we as male bodies hold each other in our vulnerability, and unite rather than compare, judge and fight?
This is a circle of brothers, of males bodies, those with penis, to journey together into the heart and soul of what it means to be a man in this day and age. 

Let us draw our swords of truth cut away the FBS (false beliefs systems), connect to our deep wisdom, inner strength and sensitivity to come alive with life. 

Together we are able to adapt to the changes of the world, find solutions to the challenges we face, and become poles of embodied trust for our partners, lovers, family, friends and community.

4. Pleasure is our birthright

Reclaim the blissful, free and ecstatic you who doesn’t hold back the pleasure of being alive.

Through the 4 pillars of pleasure; breath, movement, sound and touch we are able to uncover what fears, false beliefs and past emotional wounds are preventing us from experiencing and living embodied in our pleasure. 

Deep transformation happens when we say YES to our pleasure. Because what we are really saying is; YES to ourselves.

Maybe you hear the sentences like; ‘I can’t feel that joyful all the time’ ‘More would be too much’ ‘People will think I am high on drugs’. 

Pleasure lives in the willingness to be right here and receive all that this moment of life has to offer. For deep pleasure to arise, we have to relax, slow down and feel safe in our bodies. 

Simon will present to you the 4 stages of sexual healing, a self pleasure ritual that reframes masturbation into a self pleasure meditation and ways in which you can liberate your stuck energy and  instead make it available for creative expression, healing ourselves, our culture and planet. 

+ There will be no nudity in this event. You can journey alone and there maybe partner exercises which would be optional. Just bring your curious soul and a willingness to love yourself a little more.

About the host:

What does it mean to live embodied in the principles and values of tantra?

Tantra means to weave together. It’s the path of union, self-inquiry, a path of truth. With many different practices, we support ourselves to embody our own truth, to uncover our own truth through the veils of lies and distractions, habits, false beliefs, and conditioning.

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