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Tone of Life – Tom Soltron & Abby Delsol

Topic: 𝐄𝐍𝐆 Session - Sound Ceremony and introduction to Gong and therapeutic work with sound


About workshop:

During our time together, we will share our more than 23 years of experience working with the Gong and other Instruments used in Sound Therapy. The impact on the well-being and human balance. During the Sound Ceremony, we will create a soundtrack for your own experience, which offers a so-called “mini vacation” t.i.e. switching off from the world directed outside and redirecting your attention inward. The experience allows you to get in touch with yourself, gives you relaxation on many levels, reduces stress and restores balance. During the session we use many archaic and modern instruments, many of them of our own design.

About speakers:

Tom Soltron Czartoryski is a pioneer of modern music therapy centered on the Gong and other therapeutic instruments. He began his sound journey in 2001, and for many years traveled the world together with Don Conreaux offering Sound Sessions and teaching the performance of these sessions. In 2006, together with his partner Johannes Heimrath, he began producing Tone of Life gongs, which today are among the top gongs used worldwide by therapists and in 2008, at his workshop center in Porąbka, he began organizing the first 9-day Workshop for Sound Therapy professionals and amateurs, which has become one of the most popular workshops in the world for Sound Therapy practitioners, together with his wife Abby, they still hold these classes today, now at their Center in the south of Spain in Jubrique.

Abby Delsol began her journey with sound at a similar time as Tom in distant Argentina, but it wasn’t until 2011 that they met during one of Tom’s trips to Argentina where he was teaching classes and since then they have decided to travel together on the waves of frequencies they resonate with together. Abby has been practicing and teaching Yoga for 20 years. She is an Herbalist and a Song of Nature who lives her life helping others by working with her body, breath and voice. She and Tom currently offer music concerts, play at many festivals and offer workshops around the around the world.

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